Test-drive your Retirement

As the Baby boomers draw closer to retirement, they are left with many decisions to be make regarding what they would like to do once they retire. A problem that seems to be more and more prevalent is that “Boomers” just can't seem to decide what their lives should be like after they retire. USA Today recently published an article by Christine Dugas entitled, “Test-drive retirement before taking it on the road.” The article suggests that the Boomer generation may want to practice for retirement. This means knowing your expenses, your assets, and your emotional needs. Another key point is the possible need to redefine retirement--many people don't want to stop working once they reach retirement. In fact, you don’t have to stop working once you retire, you can explore a whole new field or stay in the field you have been in your entire life. According to Dugas, “[retirees] are motivated. The mind may not be as fast as it was years ago, but you make up for it because of the judgment you can bring to the job.” If you want to read this interesting article click here.
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